Chillstep Approved. Great to chill 2. Welldone.
Nice composed piece you have there.
Chillstep Approved. Great to chill 2. Welldone.
Nice composed piece you have there.
Thanks buddy
I Like it , Did a great job on this ectisity ! Keep on fireing !
The uplifting with the - tu -tu tu- Tu -Tu Tu- TU -TU TU is great. dont know if you made it yourself or its premade sample.
Cant find or hear any mistakes when i listen to the track. SO i dont think in a stable track you have any negatives here.. BUT
i can give you a tip.
Use some vocals in the track it will give it more down to earth feeling. more natural.
Cause overall its still edm ;) . Keep that in mind. Make a change to combine human&digi.
Greets prognoise.
PS. You are growing m8.
Yup, i absolutely agree woth you about the vocals. Good vocals are hard to find though, and I don't want to just force some random vocals over my music :).
Really glad you liked it anyways :D.
Ps. And yes I made that uplifting thing from scratch :). Glad you liked it :D.
Bit Of Lack of the listeners in my opinion.
44 Plays 4 Downloads & No Reviews :)
To start with i aint a really Metal Fan but i am willing to try to give you feedback from a non metal listener.
Good Strumming.
+ Like the Panning Play. So it gives you a good feeling you are inside of it.
+ The parts playing on the guitar is fast & Great High level.
-Sometimes it gets to chaotic and that messes up the bright sound, I want to hear HQ sounds not only because i love that but just better way for you to express your music ! So if you think this is good > You Can Give it more boost if you want ! =)
-Mixing and mastering.
++ If you did this all by yourself !
Great job ! Keep up your good work !.
Greets PGNB
Yes, I did everything by myself :P recording, producing, playing, and so forth. Mixing and mastering have always been a weak spot for me, and going into a completely different genre breaks everything I'm used to as far as getting everything to sound right xD but I tried my best. Glad that you liked it!
Like the breakcore sections. Welldone - pads are great fit with the loop.
Again a very good solid DnB Track dude .. in my opinion your way better with DnB then DuB :P Sorry but damnn your DnB is Solid and Strong.
I like the varierty of your drums ! Keep up the good work. I Want more of your DnB =].
i never stop dnb :P
Hmm.. Some parts were very clear & Some parts dont.
Like the way how you play with the synths.
My Question:.
Is it really dubstep, not yet. > But has alot of potential. And dont understand me wrong cause i know how hard it is, cause i make alot of mistakes also. So in my opinion you need to work it out a little bit better. .
I Geuss. if you check your track back in a couple of months. you know what you have to change and then Blamm it will come off the ground ;).
Greets PGNB
thank you for support!
GreatJob .. Totaly awesome .. - Nothing to say about it - Def in my Fav. ! Love the style.
hehehe :P
Great Progress Eshio ! . Sounds Space =)
Thank you.