1. this aint drum and bass.
2. I hear a bass.
3.oohw thats a bass yes..
1. this aint drum and bass.
2. I hear a bass.
3.oohw thats a bass yes..
So I got it half right?
Ima try again. I uploaded a new track called "Sendoff for linux" can you check it out?
all sounds really fit great, you did that very well =) Now i only miss the beat. so in my opinion you miss alot =)
Thanks for the review!
Good intro.. the drop into the beat are good. ;) Welldone.
+ Good Flow.
+ Good Beat.
+ Good Lyrics.
+Peace on ! =) Be yourself.
Probz. =) PrognoiseBIG
means more than you know Prognoise, thanks for the review man
-To start with :
The chords you used are not the right one. you have to swift them up.
This genre is not Dubstep my friend.
On 1:45 its more like the Genre: Goa.
But when the new part starts on 2:14 > Its not clear either... I Really see the potential to your music but the chords are not right./ & they are not Clear.
I Take a Gamble and say that you are producing with Ableton. if you play something in or use midi clips on the right notes. I think you have to start with that.
Anyways i see that you really try to build up a nice track. Now you only need the good sounds.
Greets ProgNoiseBIG.
Go for it & Do your Best.!
Im using FL Studio
And your right dis aint dubstep :x I changed it
What do you mean by "the chords aren't right". Electronic music is a genre of music that basically the rules hardly apply, at least to me anyway.
I mean if I was writing music for an ochristra ensemble, then yeah It would be the most wise decision to make and polish the piece to the majority of the audience. Sense this is only really for me and like 60~ other people listing pleasures, I feel like I can mess around a bit!
I still will take your advice at its fullest, and I may change 2:14 a bit if I have the time. Cause I do agree that can be better!
Thanks for an honest and helpful review
Damn this sounds great... this needs a beat may i sample it ?
You can sample it, under the understanding that the original tune belongs to Don Ross. You can find him on Facebook, and he does respond to messages.
First off all , Congratz with your Uncle. =)
I Think if you sing with more confidence it can pretty work out well! Your not a bad singer at all.
Dont get to low in pitch cause then your sound like a scumoldbagg >.<
You have flow & Rittm.. Liked it !.
Try do some more breath control and you will will sing great track mate !
Thank you for your music & HalleluJah !
Greets PrognoiseBIG !
- Came here thanks to the R4R forum ;) !
Gave 5/5 cause of the respect to you & your uncle ! and the balls you have with still playing reall instrument & Live Singing ! Liked the piece ! Enjoyable
Well, I have to say that I'm not a trained singer at all. Hell, for most of my life I was afraid to sing. It's not about having balls, I think. It's more about allowing myself to let go of the fear, and just enjoy the song for what it is. Maybe I should take some singing lessons...
hahahaha .. somehow i like it but somehow the texture of this song/track/sketch is so weird its almost epic.
Dont know really what to call it and dont really know how to feel when i listen to this.
But anyways a positive thing is "ITS DIFFERENT" then other things that i call Krap ;) This aint crap its just diffrent and strange but likely somehow.
Greets PrognoiseBIG *^_^*
thanks :)
Ecisty good track m8 ! It is realy a Amuzing :D ! Fun 2 listen. Happy vibes.
Stable track.. my child just danced 2 it. So its good ;) !
Greetz prognoiseBIG *^_^*
Thanks prognoise :D. Lol, made me day hearing that your kid danced to this XD. Tell your child that I appreciate it XD. I'll definetly keep making music for people to enjoy ;).